The Statue of Liberty is located in the New York Harbor in New York City, NEw York.
Ya que en aquellas épocas la medicina y la tecnologia no era tan avanzada como hoy en dia; asi que demoraban en crear las curas para aquellas enfermedades
James-Lange theory
According to ames-Lange theory emotion results from physiological states triggered by stimuli in the environment. Essentially, the theory proposes that after the initial perception of a stimulus, the experience of the emotion results from the perception of one's own physiological changes that is changes in heart rate, breathing, and sweating patterns. For example you are walking down the alley late at night. You hear footsteps behind you and you begin to tremble, your heart beats faster, and your breathing deepens. You notice these physiological changes and interpret them as your body's preparation for a fearful condition
Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation. Named after a Black minstrel show character, the laws—which existed for about 100 years, from the post-Civil War era until 1968—were meant to marginalize African Americans by denying them the right to vote, hold jobs, get an education or other opportunities. Those who attempted to defy Jim Crow laws often faced arrest, fines, jail sentences, violence and death.
<span>People's diverse interests and backgrounds divide them into numerous groups with distinct needs and wants, a condition most accurately described as market fragmentation.
</span><span>The term marker fragmentation denotes the creation of many consumer groups due to a diversity of distinct needs and wants in modern society. </span>It is the development of small new market segments within a saturated market.