The term "weather" means the state of the atmosphere in a shorter period of time, while the term "climate" refers to how the atmosphere behaves in the long run.
When we talk about climate change, we are talking about long-term change.
"tTme" describes the way in which the atmosphere "behaves", which primarily means the effects that this "behavior" has on life. The biggest difference between climate and weather is that the term "weather" refers to extremely short-term changes in the atmosphere - so short that they are measured in minutes and months.
Hay cuatro tipos diferentes de nucleótidos de DNA: adenina (A), timina (T), guanina (G), citosina (C).
A lion and a leopard have almost the same characteristics in terms of feeding habitat and behavior. because the lion rules the wild. The lion is the forest's king, and he is feared by every animal that lives there. Additionally, lions hunt other large or small animals in packs.
Leopards and lions differ significantly in terms of their physical characteristics, size, and socialization. The majority of lion species have manes, and they are exceptionally huge quadrupedal cats that live in groups called prides. Leopards lack manes, are more solitary than lions, have spotted fur, and are smaller than lions.
The hybrid offspring of a male leopard and a female lion is known as a leopon. The animal resembles lions in the head, whereas leopards are more likened to in the rest of the body. These hybrids are created in facilities; they are not expected to appear naturally. The Leopard's greatest foe is undoubtedly the Lion, with whom it will engage in a fight to the death. Leopards, especially the young cubs, have been known to be attacked and killed by baboons and hyenas.
Learn more about lion and leopard here:
Yeah hannah is right the answer is c
In active transport carrier proteins are used.