All it does it let you browse the internet, but whatever you look up, it isn't put on your browser history.
Note that endl must be free of quotation marks; otherwise, the program will treat it as a string.. The \n Character. The other way to break a line in C++ is to use the newline character
Hi there!
The correct answer is A. HTML.
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language which is used in nearly all websites and web-based programs. HTML acts as a structure for a website giving you the text, page titles, text-boxes, etc... HTML is also used along with the languages of Javascript, CSS, C++, and others. DO NOT confuse languages like Javascript and the rest with Markup Languages because they are not the same! Javascript, for example, is what is used to make websites more user-friendly and interactive. When you use Brainly, for example, and you hover over someone's name or picture and that box pops up that is Javascript at work and not HTML or any other Markup Language.
-<span>ASIAX </span><span> </span><span>Frequent Answerer</span>
save as a word document (.docx) to keep editing offline then copy and paste into the google doc