1. They must be removed before sister chromatids or homologous chromosomes can separate
During the S-phase of the cell cycle, not only does DNA have to be replicated, but also newly synthesized DNA molecules have to be connected with each other. This replicated DNA (sister chromatids) remain physically connected with each other from S phase until metaphase. This physical connection is called Sister chromatids cohesion.
Sister chromatid cohesion depends on COHESIN, a tripartite protein complex that forms a ring structure to hold sister chromatids together during mitosis and meiosis. Cohesin regulates the separation of sister chromatids during cell division, either mitosis or meiosis. This sister chromatid cohesion is essential for the biorientation of chromosomes on the mitotic or meiotic metaphase spindle, and is thus an essential prerequisite for chromosome segregation. Without the cohesion, sister chromatids would not be segregated symmetrically between the forming daughter cells, resulting in aneuploidy.
Cohesion is established during S-phase of DNA replication, and the cohesins hold the sister chromatid together after DNA replication until anaphase when the removal of cohesin leads to separation of sister chromatids (meiosis II and mitosis) and homologous chromosomes (meiosis I).
a method of classification of animals and plants according to the proportion of measurable characteristics that they have in common. It is assumed that the higher the proportion of characteristics that two organisms share, the more recently they diverged from a common ancestor.
Motor neuron disease includes loss of motor neurons in the anterior horns of the spinal cord and motor nuclei of the lower brain stem.
In an oligopoly type of market, there are only few producers whom dominate the market. This is the market type wherein there are only small number of firms that control the majority of the market share. The opposite to Perfect Competition, wherein there are unlimited number of producers. In an oligopoly, since there are only a few numbers competitors, each firm is likely to be aware of each other's action.
Shallow & warm
A lot of plant and animal life
Many nutrients
Large, deep, cold
Little sunlight near bottom
Plants mainly along the shore