I think it is quite an interesting idea to allow parents to 'design' their children before birth. Because some people have preferences and those preferences are taken very seriously. I wouldn't want to have a baby boy, I would want a baby girl. Although, this could be a waste of money and time because this might be one of the things that are better not to be fixed even if it isn't broken. But, this can also be good, if you desperately need a child with specific features, this can help. Even if I can't seem to find a reason where a child is supposed to have specific features.
Semen creates a(n)<u>alkaline </u>environment for sperm to safely travel through both the male and female reproductive tracts.
In the field of biology, semen can be described as a white, slippery fluid that is released from the male reproductory organ. Semen is also referred to as the seminal fluid.
The semen of males carries the sperm cells which are required for the fertilization of the female egg. The conditions should be favorable for the process of fertilization to occur.
The natural atmosphere of the vagina of a female is acidic in nature. The sperms need a neutral environment for survival. Hence, the semen is produced alkaline in nature to prolong the lifetime of sperm cells. The alkalinity of the semen neutralizes the acidity of the vagina.
To learn more about semen, click here:
There are several different ways to name it, but I always go by absorption, digestion, and metabolism/breakdown.
Absorption is the uptake of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients from your diet and your ingestion of water or other liquids. Absorption primarily takes place in the small intestine and anything that isn't necessary and vital for human life is then excreted through the urinary tract as urine and the remainder of the digestive tract as waste/feces.
Digestion is the process that occurs in the digestive tract which breaks down all food intake by mechanical and enzymical (stomach/gastric acid) processes in order to provide the body with all of the nutrients and minerals it needs to survive.
Metabolism is the breakdown of acids, fats, and enzymes within the organs in order to maintain life and promote production of energy. A healthy diet, cardiovascular exercise for 4-5 days a week, and maintaining good health in general is best to maintain a high metabolism and produce the most energy.
b. Craig is right and doesn't have to pay child support.
ABO blood group is controlled by three alleles. IA and IB are codominant to each other and both are dominant over i allele. IAIA and IAi produce A blood group. IBIB and IBi produce B blood group. ii produces O blood group.
Susan's son has O blood group so his genotype must be ii. He got one "i" allele from Susan and one "i" allele from his father. Craig's genotype is IAIA so there is no chance that he could have passed on "i" allele to Susan's son. Hence Craig is not his father and does not need to pay child support.
The water cycle moves water from the hydrosphere to the atmosphere to the land and back again. The major processes of the water cycle include evaporation and transpiration, condensation, precipitation and return to the oceans via runoff and groundwater supplies