It looks like your answer will be Paris
War in Texas began as a Civil War between Federalists (Mexicans and Americans who wanted the Constitution back) and Santa Anna. But then Texans declared independence—1836—they didn't just want the Constitution of 1824, they wanted to be their own country. o Ultimately, Texans won and Texas became its own country.
Explanation: hope this helps
On December 14,1799 George Washington died at his home at Mount Vernon.
me please
The Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis have many similarities as well as differences. When comparing the details within the stories, they are very different. The flood is a major connection between The Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis. A similarity is the amount of people God or the gods chose to save. In both stories, it is the one good man which is Noah from Genesis and Utnapishtism from The Epic of Gilgamesh. They were both told to build an arc or boat. In Genesis, God wasn’t pleased with the people he created. “And the Lord saw that the evil of the human creature was great on the Earth and that every scheme of his heart’s devising was only perpetually evil” (G 6:34). There’s too much evil for God. So he tells Noah to build an arc. God use the flood to punish the people for being evil by going against his word. God ask Noah to collect different pairs of animals that exist. God told Noah to bring his family: his wife, sons, and his sons’ wives. In The Epic of Gilgamesh the people on Earth became too noisy for the gods. The gods didn’t like how the situation is unfolding so they send a flood to destroy the humans. The gods chose Utnapishtm to create a ship and collect pairs of animals to bring on the ship to preserve.
In both stories, while the arc or boat is floating, Noah and Utnapishtim sent out birds. Noah sent two and Utnapishtim sent three birds. “The dove went off, but came back to me…I sent forth a swallow and released it. The swallow went off, but came back to me….I sent forth a raven and released it. The raven went off…but does not circle back to me.” (Gilgamesh 94) When the last bird didn’t come back that meant that the flood is gone and they can settle down.