During the prosperity of the america during 1920, it is not well distributed. nearly half of its population still resides in the rural areas where there priary source of income is farimg
Because of the geographical position (India is between China<span> and </span>West Asia<span> and Europe) India always was icluded and made money from trade. </span><span>
India traded cotton, silks, dyes, drugs, gold, ivory, often earning great fortunes. From Middle East & Roman Empire, they brought back pottery, wine, metals, some slaves, and especially gold;
</span>Indian traders were selling West Asian glass<span> and </span>wool<span> to people in China, and Chinese things like </span>silk<span> and </span>pottery<span> to people in West Asia.</span>
The Roman empire was well organized with good roads & active trade, so the new religion could spread easily. Constantine was a sun worshipper who feigned Christianity so he could take control and throw out it's one and only goal
Peasants' War, (1524–25) peasant uprising in Germany. Inspired by changes brought by the Reformation, peasants in western and southern Germany invoked divine law to demand agrarian rights and freedom from oppression by nobles and landlords. As the uprising spread, some peasant groups organized armies