The era which most deeply influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence was the Modern Era and the illuminism movement. The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776, when illumimism movement was at its peak, and its influenced was heavy on the declaration as it emphatiziced the natural rights of the people, for example.
this answer is hard to explain but it is 8
The correct answer is B
At the end of the Second World War Adolf Hitler committed suicide with a shot to the head in the company of his wife, she took a paste of cyanide, on April 30, 1945,
Hitler decided to take this decision because the allies on April 22 had entered Berlin and Germany would lose the war.
The correct answer is B, since being cornered gave up and decided to commit suicide.
new inventions change the life of people because it makes the whole world as a global village. it makes our work easier and faster.
The severe Russian winter killed over half the troops of Napoleons army, his troops rarely saw army combat, the cold and lack of food led to unprecedented loss of life.