Convergent network
In networking, computers devices are connected together to communicate and share resources. Devices like routers and switches are examples of intermediate network devices and computers, smartphones, tablets and IP phones are all examples of end devices in a network.
In the past, dedicated networks are installed for separate voice, text and video packets. But as information technology evolves, one network is used for all three packets. This network is called convergent network.
The key difference between a library and a framework is “Inversion of Control”. When you call a method from a library, you are in control. But with a framework, the control is inverted:the framework calls you
A library performs specific, well-defined operations.
A framework is a skeleton where the application defines the "meat" of the operation by filling out the skeleton. The skeleton still has code to link up the parts but the most important work is done by the application.
Examples of libraries: Network protocols, compression, image manipulation, string utilities, regular expression evaluation, math. Operations are self-contained.
Examples of frameworks: Web application system, Plug-in manager, GUI system. The framework defines the concept but the application defines the fundamental functionality that end-users care about.
I will hope this helps :p
The CPU, or central processing unit, is the hardware that takes most of the load when running a program. It will perform complex calculations and execute every instruction as the program continues.
The GPU, or graphics procession unit, is the hardware that could also play a major roll in calculating the instructions to execute a program, though this depends on how graphically intensive the program is. For example, games would use a lot more GPU power than say a simple calculator application.
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