I think they should help fix it because if they dont, it will descend into mayhem and madness
Answer: lev
Explanation: The Latin root 'lev' means 'light' as in 'not heavy. ' You can see 'lev' as a root in words such as elevator, levitate, and elevation.
The length of the diameter of a cylinder in an automobile engine is the bore. ... Find the displacement of a piston with a 4-inch bore and a 5-inch stroke.
Factory positions
Because the industrial revolution was about focusing on new machines and creations, so factory positions were created to help in the factory
D. Both the US and USSR used their power to wield influence and shape new nations.
Examples: One of the most know is in Vietnam which recently gained its independence from France. The USSR and China instilled a Communist Regime in North Vietnam whereas The US and United Nations established a Republic in Southern Vietnam causing ideological conflicts and starting a proxy war known as, "The Vietnam War"