Hello. You did not inform the text to which this question is related, however, an example of dramatic irony is one in which the audience knows things that the characters do not know. This resource can be used in several different literary genres, but it is generally used in comedy and suspense, because it manages to create different atmospheres between character and audience.
Darius Was defeated by the Greeks at the Bay of Marathon, Xerxes Was defeated by the Greeks at the Bay of Salamis, Cambyses One of the fewgenerals in history to ever conquer and occupy Egypt, Cyrus Respected the customs and religion of the people he conquered.
43 presidents...... in total
1. Because of tensions between Soviet Union and US
2. In a way they were because of those tensions
3. McCarthy accused a lot of Hollywood stars and eventually people from the government themselves
4. People who were accused, stood on trial and were pressured to answer whether they were actually communists, and if they didn't confess, they would go to jail
5. I assume it's the restriction of lying to the court, something like that (sorry)
6. Senator McCarthy died by chronic alcoholism, they never found the list that Senator McCarthy said he had when he made his speech
7. McCarthyism is viewed as the most ridiculous thing that happened in the 1900s, it's just like how the puritans went on a witch hunt back in the 1600s, and they're both not very proud moments of America