Malala Yousafzai was shot on her way to school and is lucky to be alive. The reason she was shot was because she was a woman going to school, she fled from her country from the taliban. Her fathers school was destroyed because it welcomed young girls.
religions in general have similar characteristics such as:
- they worship gods or prophets
- believe in rules and regulations.
- they have places of worship.
- Generally all religions speak of life after death.
- All religions have a symbol that identifies them.
i hope it help you
El Foro y la Mesa Redonda son muy similar pero tienen tambien una grande diferencia. El foro tambien donde se reunen para discutir diferentes asuntos y donde todos escuchando pueden intevenir en la discusion, incluyendo el auditorio. La Mesa redonda es mas para una cierta cantidad de sujetos que se reunen para desarollar un tema en especifico. En otras palabras la gran diferencia entre las dos son la cantidad de individuos que participan en la discussion.
7, 2, 5 are the best answers.
million people died.
Italy joined the Allies.
4.The US effort to send supplies into West Berlin was called the
Warsaw Pact.
Marshall Plan.