b. Creamy Inc.
From the question we are informed about Berry Good LLC which registers its trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office and uses it to market a distinctive line of ice cream products. Creamy Inc. uses the mark without Berry's consent to sell imitation frozen desserts. Berry has a cause of action against Creamy Inc. What happen here was a Trademark infringement on Creamy Inc part. Infringement can be regarded as violation of exclusive rights that is associated with someone trademark. This as a result of not taken authorization from the owner of the Trade mark who has the licensees
Utilizing a variety of learning media, from text and picture to video and audio, is another technique to aid in the transfer of learning to new situations. According to research, using text, visuals, and narrative might enhance learning transfer and keep your cognitive resources from getting overworked.
<h3>Definition of transfer:</h3>
Transfer is defined as moving or shifting from one person, location, or circumstance to another to cause anything to be passed from one to another convey modify, alter.
<h3>What is purpose of transfer?</h3>
Employees may be transferred to jobs where they will likely be more effective or experience higher levels of job satisfaction. No changes are made to the role, title, status, or pay during transfers. It is a process of the employee adjusting to the job, the time, and the location.
To know more about Transfer visit:
APR is 17.16 percent
APR means annual percentage rate and is calculated annually.
APR = 1.43 percent * 12 months = 17.16 percent