narcissism and the answer is TRUE.
Narcissism is the theory or hypothesis to have excessive interest and love for oneself. A narcissist admires oneself and his or her physical appearance. Narcissism may be defined as the pursuit of gratification from self love or egotistic admiration of an individual's idealized attributes and self image.
In the context, some of the college students were ask to edit and then explain the MySpace page. MySpace is a popular social networking site where individuals can create their own page to express and present themselves to their connections. Thus they are scored higher for editing and explaining their page on the basis of narcissism as individuals flaunts and boost about their personality and appearances.
Predestination is the belief that the fate of one's soul is predetermined before they are born.
Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts on 19 April 1775
The European nations that established colonies in South America were Spain and Portugal.
we are called social animal because we live in a communitiy or society by helping each other