I’ve already done this on my page! Go into the answers bar and look at what i typed :)
It tells us how stories can be important to humans.
Evidence: "Psychologist Robyn Dawes went much further, suggesting humans are...' the primates whose cognitive 1 capacity shuts down in the absence of a story'...
"...jurors are influenced by the quality of the prosecution’s and defense’s... 'stories'... when deciding whether to find a defendant guilty."
"Even in science, we seek explanations, not mere descriptions; in history, we want a good narrative, not a mere sequence of events."
Scout<span> feels that </span>Mayella<span> is </span>the 'loneliest<span> person </span>in the world<span>' because she is living in an environment that doesn't suit her. </span>Mayella<span> longs for a better life at home and feels trapped. She feels that nobody cares for her or wants to look after he</span>
The author chose to use words like affectionately, sweet and savory, Treasure chest, and Delicate to show that the tone is sweet and gentle. When the author uses these words, it makes the reader think that they are in a relaxed atmosphere and makes them feel like they are at grandma's house. You could also say it gives the reader an Illusion that they are more comfortable.
William Blake´s use of figurative language tells us that his hatred grew and grew as an apple tree and his enemy (his foe) stretched beneath the tree.
It makes us aware what bad feelings can cause in other´s peoples´ lives and in our own, if we try to conceal them or not to show them. They will always arise in probably dangerous forms for both, the reciever and the beholder.