yufffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffi vhghjvb
bhhr u should i6tuyfuvhvj
It seems like the character wishes to be appreciated and understood by society. He thinks he has a lot to offer, and that he is not like any other typical kid. He feels he knows more, reads more and has better instincts than most people. However, he does not understand how his application is not accepted.
The conflict is that society does not value him as much as he thinks he deserves to be valued. This is a common conflict as people often feel themselves to be particularly special in ways that society cannot fully appreciate.
Eliminating immigration from Asia, it also limited immigration from Europe, Russia and Italy in particular.
The sentence chosen wrongly separates the subject from the predicate with a comma and introduces the pronoun <em>it </em>when it is not unnecessary. The reason for that is that the sentence already contains a subject: <em>Eliminating immigration from Asia</em>. As a result, the use of the pronoun <em>it </em>immediately after the subject is not required. Thus, the correct version of the sentence is the following:
<em>Eliminating immigration from Asia also limited immigration from Europe, Russia and Italy in particular.
Anne never really got to know Germany well, though, and would always struggle with the German language, because the family moved to Amsterdam when she was only four years old.