The last option i.e "A class is an instance of its object" is the correct answer of this question.
A class is a collection of variable and method . The class is the blueprint of the object that means class is physical space entity and object is a runtime space entity.It is the the reusability feature of the programming component.
Following are the syntax to declare any class.
Class classname
<u>For Example</u>: class test1
With the help of class we can achieve the inheritance, encapsulation and abstraction etc.
All the other options except the last one are correct option. Because option(1), option(2) and option(3) follow the property of class and object . that's why last option is False.
- The subnet mask would be a 32-bit integer which is formed by assigning the host bits to all 0's and the networking bits to so many 1's.
- In this method, the subnetting separates the IP address between host and network addresses.
- The subnet mask covers an IP address with its 32-bit number, thus the term "mask".
Network IP address
Subnet numbers
Calculating the borrow bits:

Calculating the dotted decimal value for the subnet mask:

The additional bits which will be needed to mask the subnet mask that is = 4.
Learn more:
The inch tiles are larger, meaning they use less space.
Segundo o padrão da National Institute of Standards and Technology a alternativa correta é a letra E) 400 músicas. Segundo o padrão disposto acima, dois Giga Bytes equivalem à dois mil Mega Bytes, assim, se cada música tem exatos 5MB, podemos chegar ao total de músicas que podem ser gravadas em um PenDrive de 2GB livres do seguinte modo :

A evolução da microeletrônica possibilitou uma capacidade de armazenamento cada vez maior a cada ano. O desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias na área permite também que os produtores possam produzir músicas, fotos e vídeos com cada vez mais qualidade (consequentemente mais pesada).
Both C++ and Pascal uses objects.