#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int[] array = new int[10];
int index = 0;
while(index < array.size()){
int number = (rand() % 100) + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
array[index] = number;
cout<< "Position "<< index << "of the array = "<< number << endl;
The while loop in the source code loops over a set of code ten times, The for loop only loops once to add the generated random number between 1 and 100 to the array of size 10. At the end of the for loop, the index location and the item of the array is printed out on the screen. The random number is generated from the 'rand()' function of the C++ standard library.
Resource Ownership and Scheduling execution
In process characteristic the characteristic is
- Resource ownership
- Scheduling / Execution
In Resource ownership, the OS performs a protection function where unwanted interference in processes are with resources
In scheduling execution, the process has execution state and scheduled. They can be separated by resource ownership.
The dispatching of the process is the lightweight process, and it is multi-threading. The ability of the operating system supports the single concurrent process.
The process is a unit in the resource protection and protected the CPU and other processes. It contains the multiple thread execution
Each thread contains the running, ready state and saved the thread context and access the memory. Some necessary activities of the various threads are the same address space and the resources.
There could be a collision if a hidden node problem occurs.
CSMA/CA(carrier sense multiple access/ collision avoidance) is a multiple access method in wireless networking, that allows multiple node to transmit. Collision avoidance of this method is based on preventing signal loss or downtime as a result of collision of transmitting multi signals.
If a node at step 4(transmit frame) sends the first frame, the node still needs to send a RTS(request to send) and to receive a Clear to send (CTS) from the WAP, the is to mitigate the issue of hidden node problem as all frame are treated as unit, so other listening nodes, not detected would seek to connect and transmit as well.
The program used to create and implement a database is called an operating system.
<h3>What is an operating system?</h3>
An operating system (OS) is a system that helps to manage and allocate computer resources. These computer resources are:
- Central processing unit (CPU),
- Computer memory,
- File storage,
- Input/output devices,
- Network connections.
The most used operating system are;
- Apple mac OS,
- Microsoft Windows,
- Go-ogle Android OS,
- Lin-ux Operating System,
- Apple iOS
Learn more about operating system:
Answer: (66.7_1.8)Ω
Explanation: Hope it's helpful