Hi, could you please help me with a journal question? Journal: Students are usually shocked at the widespread smoking in the boo
k, including 16-year olds smoking with adults. The full dangers weren’t known in those days. What is something that we have/use/do today that you speculate could be shown to be more dangerous than thought 70 years from now? 300-500max words thank you!!!!!!
While it may seem silly to think about now, I think that in several years we will look back and truly wonder why we used so much bioengineering for many of our common items. We have stopped using organic substances, although there has been a push for them, and we have resorted to using chemically made items. They are no longer from the Earth, yet pushed out of a factory ready for human use. Remedies, and items alike, I think that our ancestors will look back upon us with shame at how we treated the planet. Bioengineered substances have a very difficult time breaking down, which in turn, harms the planet further. So yes, these man-made substances will eventually harm us and our future.
At the end of the story, it says that "when the doctors came, they said she died of heart disease-- of a joy that kills." They assume that her weak heart could not handle the happiness she felt when her husband walked through the door alive. They do not know- or refuse to acknowledge- the actual cause for her death.