The possible father's blood groups are B, AB.
If the mother blood type of A, and the father blood type is AB, B then the child is B. Each biological parent donates one of their two ABO alleles to the child. The blood types in our body are classified as the four paternal blood types and the four maternal blood types.
The blood type has the 16 combinations of the blood samples. The genetic information from the body is independently inherited to the ABO blood types alleles. In the Rh factor, the genetic information is inherited from the one parent to another.
light brown is domonant and brown fur is recesive
Exotic species refers to an introduced specie of an animal which is alien to the ecosystem in which it found itself and which has been transported to that ecosystem either intentionally or by accident. Exotic species normally have varieties of effects on the ecosystem to which they are introduced, sometimes the effect will be good and sometimes the effects could be devastating depending on the particular situation.
Factors which promote diversity include: larger size of the ecosystem, longer growing seasons and climatic stability.<span />
4 ul Loading Buffer + 19.70 ul dH2O + 0.30 ul DNA Ladder
Load 12 ul on the gel.
DNA Ladder concentration = 1000 ug/ml
1000 ug DNA in 1 ml DNA Ladder solution → 150 ng DNA = 0.15 ug DNA in..... 0.00015 ml = 0.15 ul DNA Ladder solution
6x DNA Loading Buffer → it has to be diluted by an equal volume 6 times (1 ul LB + 1 ul distilled H2O)
An appropriate volume to load on an average agarose gel is 12 ul, so:
2 ul Loading Buffer + 9.85 ul dH2O + 0.15 ul DNA Ladder = 12 ul
But since 0.15 ul is a very small volume and mistakes could be made while measuring it, let's make double:
4 ul Loading Buffer + 19.70 ul dH2O + 0.30 ul DNA Ladder = 24 ul
And load half of that solution (12 ul) on the gel.
Answer:Just because two dogs complement each other in physical appearance does not mean they will complement each other when comparing pedigrees. As spoken so well by my mentor, breeding is an art. When doing a breeding, stick to the breed standard, and strive for perfection