Hyperimmunoglobulinemia E Syndrome
Hyperimmunoglobulinemia E Syndrome or Job syndrome is an immunodeficiency disorder in which the white blood cells are incapable of producing an inflammatory response to infectious organisms. It is an autosomal dominant disorder. It is characterized by recurring bacterial infections, specially of lung and skin. There are also other symptoms like abromalities in vascular or skeletal system and elevated IgE level.
Symptoms like frequent formation of pus pockets in skin, lungs or joints usually begin during infancy. These pus pockets are formed due to infection by staphylococcal bacteria. Treatment usually consists of antibiotics to fight infection and anti histamines to relieve the symptoms like rash and itching. Sometimes drugs can also be administered to modify immune system.
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agouti - aaBbCc
solid color - AaBBCC
agouti black - AAbbCc
albino - AaBbcc/Aabbcc/AABBcc
Explanation: All the phenotypes that contain cc will be albinos, so they won't present any pigment deposition. Agouti black depends on the A gene to be homozygous and the B to be recessive, so the phenotype AAbbC_ is the correspondent. If A is not homozygous and B isn't recessive, we have agouti color. If B is homozygous and A recessive, we have a solid color.