fast growing and produce many offspring
The life history of a species is the pattern of survival and reproduction events typical for a member of the species (essentially, its lifecycle).
Enzymes are involved in the formation and composition of every cell in the body. Thus they also control the working of every organ and even the brain - the control center. They are involved in the breakdown, absorption, distribution and circulation of various nutrients entering the body.
At 0 years, an event took place which is known as metamorphosis of igneous rock i.e., formation of igneous rocks from melted magma.
Strontium-90 is a radioactive element which undergoes beta decay to form yttrium-90. It has a half life of approximately 28 years and decay energy of 0.546 MeV. This radioactivity is used by geologist to estimate the age of the rock, fossils, meteorites etc. Other radioactive elements used by the geologists are carbon-40, potassium-40 etc.
Radiometric clock is set when the rock was formed in the past i.e., the moment when an ingenious rock was solidified from molten magma.