Formal; A formal information system is based on
the organization represented by the organization chart.
Informal; The informal information system is
employee based system designed
to meet personal and vocational needs
and to help in solution of work-related problems.
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True: In binary search algorithm, we follow the below steps sequentially:
Input: A sorted array B[1,2,...n] of n items and one item x to be searched.
Output: The index of x in B if exists in B, 0 otherwise.
- low=1
- high=n
- while( low < high )
- { mid=low + (high-low)/2
- if( B[mid]==x)
- {
- return(mid) //returns mid as the index of x
- }
- else
- {
- if( B[mid] < x) //takes only right half of the array
- {
- low=mid+1
- }
- else // takes only the left half of the array
- {
- high=mid-1
- }
- }
- }
- return( 0 )
For each iteration the line number 11 or line number 15 will be executed.
Both lines, cut the array size to half of it and takes as the input for next iteration.