You displayed a depth of knowledge in your initial interviews that is extremely impressive.
"We are happy to let you know that we that we think you're pretty clever." Is informal and based on this message it does not fit.
"Our intention at this juncture is to scrutinize your intellectual capacity and creative prowess" Is very words and seems a bit excessive. It doesn't match other parts of the assignment.
"You seem way smarter than a lot of people." Doesn't fit the formality at all.
Therefore "You displayed a depth of knowledge in you initial interviews that is extremely impressive" is the best way to go.
In dramatic structure, I think dialogue is used to appeal to the reader by making he/she feel like they are actually there and to just bring it to life. Hope that helps.
Puerto Rico was Spanish (Europe) who used African slaves.
Food (as well as music) is a perfect analogy to describe the colonial history of any Latin American country. The food of Puerto Rico, like it´s music, will show the Spanish and the African influence on the traditional cuisine of Puerto Rico.
Note: when we think of Salsa music we say Cuba, but Puerto Rican musicians have played a tremendous important role in the devtelopment of salsa music, as anyone in the New York music scene could confirm.
Answer :
Slave women were expected to work in the fields with the men, not take care of the home life.
They were apportioned almost the same task given to men, not considering their gender. In Africa, woman's primary social role was that of being a mother (tending the kids and making meals in the home). In slavery, this aspect of African womanhood was debased. They were however treated a bit softly whenever they are pregnant, or have just given birth.