True. It was a massive blow and indirectly allowed for the colonization of the Americas by predominantly English.
the pear industry crashes in the 1930s
Answer: The correct answer is A. Descriptive.
Explanation: Marketing research can be understood as the process of planning, collecting and adquiring the data thats necessary for decision making.
In marketing research certain roles are categorized and each one of those roles has a function within the research.
The roles are:
1- Descriptive role/function
2- Diagnostic role/function
3- Predictive role/function
<u>The descriptive role can be explained as the process of gathering and presenting statements of facts.</u>
In this particular case, Cleo is given the responsibility of gathering information about the countries where sales of cameras have been high and the reson behind customers' preference of certain cameras to others in the market.
Cleo is 1- Gathering information & 2- Presenting statements of facts, thus she is performing, or will need to perform the a. Descriptive role of marketing research.
I believe the answer is Paul Tillich
According to Tillich, humans are creatures that would always experience concerns from various aspects of our live (money, relationship, etc)
He believed that religion is a form of ultimate concern because it requires you to do total surrender to an entity that you've never met before.
Short term:
•Unification of Mongolia.
•Immediate decline of Jin Dynasty in •China as well as several Central Asian nations including the Kwarezmid Empire.
•Establishment of the Mongol Empire.
•Unification of much of Central Asia, •Northern China, and Mongolia.
•Significant number of deaths (in the millions) resulting from wars and Mongol tactics.
Long Term:
•Increased trade between East and West as the Silk Road was united under one empire.
•Increased cultural exchange between east and west.
•Possibility of the accelerated spread of the Black Death due to the interconnectedness of East and West during the Mongol empire.
•Collapse of the Song Dynasty under Kublai Khan.
•Several descendent states and families from Ghengis Khan which continued to influence course of history in the West, Central, and Southern Asia including the Crimean Khanate, the Golden Horde among others.
•Rise of the prominence of Moscow.