Germany emerged from the First World War defeated and in political and economic turmoil. The economy was ruined and the Kaiser had fled the country. The Weimar government, set up after the War, was having trouble controlling the country and was very unpopular for accepting the Treaty of Versailles
Answer:Compared to the United States, England is small and contains few natural resources. Mercantilism, an economic policy designed to increase a nation's wealth through exports, thrived in Great Britain between the 16th and 18th centuries.
Between 1640-1660, Great Britain enjoyed the greatest benefits of mercantilism. During this period, the prevailing economic wisdom suggested that the empire's colonies could supply raw materials and resources to the mother country and subsequently be used as export markets for the finished products. The resulting favorable balance of trade was thought to increase national wealth. Great Britain was not alone in this line of thinking. The French, Spanish, and Portuguese competed with the British for colonies; it was thought that no great nation cou
Slavery was introduced wind a Dutch ship traded African slaves for food in 1619. When White settlers were unable to find cheap labour they turn to the slaves imported from Africa.
Prince Vladimir arranged mass baptisms in Kiev
Princess Olga converted to Roman Catholicism
Missionaries from Constantinople came to Russia.