You can pick any organism and relate most of the cell theory to them. For instance, all living organisms are composed of cells. This is part of the cell theory and all living organisms are just that, made of cells. Another part of the cell theory that can be applied to any organism is that hereditary information is passed on from cell to cell. When we have Offspring, we pass off our hereditary information to our offspring. Lastly, part of the cell theory states that cells arise from pre-existing cells. I was born from a mother and a father so as a human I exist because I came from another human.
It is during that full moon and the new moon.
1 Answer. Mandira P. With the discovery of electron microscope, biologists realised that it did not make any sense to include prokaryotic world of bacteria in kingdom protista with single celled eukaryotic organisms. Hence a separate kingdom, Monera, was created.