When adding fractions with even denominators, you will not get a whole number, there will be a 1/2. When adding fractions with odd denominators there will be a whole number.
The answer is 132. 132 is the original price. 80$ x 65% = 52. 80 + 52 = 132. So 132 is answer and original price.
Here you go, you’ll probably have to re-word it for your answer but that was the simplest way to answer it for me.
The expression (n+3) represents the measure of an exterior angle of a regular octadecagonal.
3.5 more times sugar in B
Step-by-step explanation:
We need to see that the fact that Beverage B is 0.21 sugar can be translated to percentages, just by multiplying and dividing by 100 to get it easier to see:
0.21 * 100 /100 = 21/100 = 21% percent
This means that for every 100 units, 21 are sugar.
Now we can compare percentages directly, as both have the same volume because are sold in identical cans. We need to get how many times is 21 greater than 6. The only thing we need to do is the ratio between them:
21/6= 3.5
This implies that 21 is 3.5 greater than 6, you can verify it by multiplying 6 by 3.5 and getting 21.
So, B has 3.5 times more sugar than A.