Individuals are the only judge of their own utility. In general, greater consumption of a good brings higher total utility. However, the additional utility received from each unit of greater consumption tends to decline in a pattern of diminishing marginal utility.
a recession is usually 9 to 18 months
Seojun's Adjusted Gross income is $140,000.
Explanation: Adjusted Gross income(AGI) is a term used in Financial accounting to describe the total amount of gross income remaining after certain deductions have been made to the Gross income of a business entity over a given period of time.
Since Seojun is not a Material participant,the $50,000 loss can not be considered in calculating Seojun's Adjusted Gross income.
Current liabilities: Accounts payable$130,000
Sales tax payable 8,800
Warranty Payable 4,000
Interest payable 667
Notes payable 50,000
Total current liabilities$193,467