The answer is "financial aid office".
The work studies are a good way for people to raise funds in component-time on-campus jobs for payment for tuition. In off-campus study, it uses financial aid office, that provides learners to chance to gain useful job experiences when they study at university.
- It usually works with you even if you have received an admission invitation.
- In off-campus study work, it uses the department of Financial Aid, in which it is used to find the financial aid office of your school.
- It can scan the sorted alphabetically lists below.
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The correct answer to the following question is option 4.
The private class does not mean that the package-private, it means that no other class can see its members.
It is used in creating the building blocks which is implementing the internal functionality that you don't want to visible to the other projects using the library.
We can use private constructor to ensure that more than one object cannot be created at the time.
Give the type and value of each result of the following Java expressions. a. (5 / 2) * 2.0 type is float value is 4.0 b. (5/2.0) * 2 type is integer value is 5c. "1.3" + "5.2" type is string value is 1.35.2d. 1 + 7.0 + "2" + "x" this will produce an error because we cannot add variables of different type
<em>It is possible to sort data in word. For doing this, you must have content in the form of list.
<em>1. Select the text in numbered list / bulleted list
<em>2. Click on the Home tab, Paragraph group, Click on Sort. You well get a Sort Text dialog box</em>
<em>3. In the dialog box , Click Paragraph, Text, Ascending / descending. So you can change the way it sorted by using the same dialog box whenever required.
In addition to sorting text, you can sort date and also sort number.