El híbrido va a ser esteril.
En la cruza entre dos especies distintas, cuando ocurre, existen distintos mecanismos de aislamiento reproductivo, que son barreras que inhiben o interrumpen el flujo génico entre especies distintas. Es decir que no habrá exito reproductivo de estas cruzas. Se trata de caracteres biológicos propios de cada especie que previenen la reproducción con otras especies.
Estos mecanismos de aislamiento reproductivo pueden ser precigóticos o postcigóticos.
1.Pre-copulatorios o pre-cigóticos:
- Ecológico o por aislamiento de hábitat;
- Por incompatibilidad de gametas.
2. Post-copulatorios o cigóticos:
- Inviabilidad del híbrido;
- Híbrido con viabilidad o fertilidad disminuido;
- Interacciones citoplasmáticas.
La mula es producto de la cruza entre dos especies distintas: una yegua (Equus ferus caballus) y un burro (Equus africanus asinus). Es un ejemplo de la accion de mecanismo poscigótico, en el cual se forma un híbrido viable esteril. Este ejemplar puede nacer, crecer y sobrevivir, pero que no puede producir gametas funcionales, por lo cual no puede reproducirse.
Written and oral communication skills.
Problem solving.
An investigative mind.
Observation skills and critical thinking.
Innovative thinking.
Good with statistics.
Commercial awareness.
Might go blind because the cornea is in the wye
1. Natural selection is the best of the organisms to live past hardships and survive, leaving the weakest to die. Survival of the fittest.
2. Adaptation is an organism changing to better themselves in a certain environment.
3. These moths were adapted to blend into their surroundings, so as to not be seen by predators.
4. Because of the pollution from the city, the tree’s bark turned from a lighter shade brown to a darker shade brown.
5. A majority of the moths were a lighter gray. With the changing color bark they were seen more by predators.
6. Adaption caused the first darker moths to appear because they learned they needed to blend into the new tree bark color.
7. The change from light to dark gray was very needed for moths. It explains natural selection for those moths who did not adapt to different color gray. Adapting the new tree bark color helped moths been less seen by predators therefor keeping their species more alive.