The fever of unknown origin, or the FUO can be defined as the condition when the body temperature of a person is at 101 degree Fahrenheit for at least a period of the three weeks without any observable underlying cause. The most common causes of the FUO includes, infections (such as Lyme disease, tuberculosis), malignancy (such as leukemia), inflammation (such as inflammatory bowel disease), and alcohol or drug abuse.
<h2>The Forearm</h2>
The proximal end of the radius illustrates the relationship of form and function. The cup-like surface of the radial head articulates with the rounded shape of the capitulum. This forms a joint that allows for movement of elbows and forearms.
Radius and ulna are the two bones of the forearm. Their proximal ends articulate and fit into the cup like end of the humerus. This forms a synovial joint called the elbow joint. The movement of this joint allows the forearms to supinate and pronate.
Tectonic plates float on amass of melted lava. its very hot and produces gases. these gases tend to move the plates with the compression becomes very high and the gases do not find an exit.the other reason is the plates themselves tend to move. because of the temprature gradient. the plates are hotter on the lower side which forces the plates to move up. and they are colder on the outside,which forces the plates to move downward..this is the other reason why the plates move