The carbon cycle is nature's way of reusing carbon atoms, which travel from the atmosphere into organisms in the Earth and then back into the atmosphere over and over again. Most carbon is stored in rocks and sediments, while the rest is stored in the ocean, atmosphere, and living organisms.
An entomologist is a zoolist interested in insects. The are interested in finding and studying the classification of the life cycle, insects environments, how they relate to humans and their organisims
The inner core has the highest density
Despite high temperatures should be melting the metals in the inner core, the extreme pressure keeps the earth's inner core in a sold phase. The solid metals make the earth's core very dense, at about 17 g/cm³
Embedded in the lipid bilayer are large proteins, many of which transport ions and water-soluble molecules across the membrane. Some proteins in the plasma membrane form open pores, called membrane channels, which allow the free diffusion of ions into and out of the cell.