The EMV that a person is willing to give up in order to avoid the risk associated with a gamble is referred to as the <em>Risk premium </em>
A risk premium is the return in excess of the risk-free rate of return an investment is expected to yield It is paid as a compensation to investors who are willing to take on a risk filled kind of investment .
and it can be calculated using this formula :: Risk Premium = Estimated Return on Investment - Risk-free Rate.
I believe the answer is: Type A
People with type A personality tend to have the chracteristics that structured for them to compete and dominate other individuals. (this includes <span>hard-driving, competitive, perfectionist, impatient, agressive, etc)
</span>On average, they tend to achieve more in their career but would develop higher stress level.
Como pueblo se denomina al conjunto de personas de un lugar, región o país. Desde un punto de vista político, el pueblo son las personas que forman parte del Estado, sin ningún tipo de distinciones de raza, género, religión, nivel económico o social. La palabra, como tal, proviene del latín popŭlus.