Corporate Culture- The values, norms, and other orientation that characterizes corporate work settings.
Hidden Corporate Culture- Stereotypes of the traits that make for high-performing and underperforming workers
An allele is a viable DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) coding that occupies a given locus on a chromosome. Usually alleles are sequences that code for a gene, but sometimes the term is used to refer to a non-gene sequence. An individual's genotype for that gene is the set of alleles it happens to possess.
Answer: b. Acetyl Co-A
Acetyl CoA produced through pyruvate, amino acids, and fatty acids are oxidized in the Krebs cycle in CO2, obtaining as products NADH, FADH2 and GTP (ATP). Parallel to this oxidation, the Krebs cycle produces compounds used as precursors for biosynthesis. As it is a cycle, an oxaloacetate molecule could, in principle, oxidize an amount indefinite of acetyl CoA. Acetyl-CoA is formed from the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, sequentially performed by pyruvate dehydrogenase -PDH (complex multi enzymatic of 3 enzymes), in the mitochondrial matrix.
A. Rock pieces
Abrasion is the breaking down and wearing away of rock material by the mechanical action of other rocks. Three agents of physical weathering that can cause abrasion are moving water, wind and gravity. None of those are agents of abrasion. But Rock pieces are a result of abrasion.
Plants will usually droop their leaves and wilt on a hot day due the amount of water they're not receiving. This can be advantageous to a plant because this releases moisture in the air called <span>transpiration.
Hope that helps. -UF aka Nadia</span>