4/28 = 1/7 when dividing both numerator & denominator by 4 and this would be the simplified fraction.
You could use 1/7 to multiply with others to get other ratios that are equal to 4/28 or you could just use 4/28.
For example:
1/7 = 7/49
4/28 = 8/56
27.928cm² the process is shown in the following picture
A cup of juice will cost 1.04 US dollars
Step-by-step explanation:
Here, we want to know the cost of one cup of juice in US dollars.
The cost of a quart of juice is Canada is 4.40CAN
now, since there are 4 cups in a quart, the cost of a cup of juice will be 4.40/4 = 1.10 CAN
Moving on;
We are told that 1 USD = 1.06 CAN ;
thus x usd = 1.10 CAN
1 * 1.10 = x * 1.06
x = 1.10/1.06
x = 1.037 which is approximately 1.04 USD
Will the answer to the expression is -4 but i don't see any arrows <span />