The endocrine system is a complex of glands that secrete <u>hormones</u> as a chemical messenger. These hormones carry information and instructions throughout the bloodstream from one part of the body to another. These hormones control many body functions such as respiration, sensory perception, metabolisms, growth, reproduction, the mood among others.
On the other hand, the nervous system is made up of neurons that communicate with each other to extend a message (from our own body or the outside) to the brain, for analysis and further decision of what to do with that information. A group of neurons, sensory neurons, respond to several stimuli such as touch, light, and sound to let the brain know about the surrounding environment. Another group of neurons, motor neurons, work inside the body and carry signals to active muscle or glands.
Superficial Anatomy is most useful for <em><u>examining the outside features of the body</u></em>.
oxygen gas
red blood cells
» <u>Concepts</u>
Your blood is composed of four main things: <u>red blood cells</u> (that transport <u>oxygen</u>), <u>white blood cells</u>, <u>platelets</u>, and <u>plasma</u>. Red blood cells transports oxygen and takes out CO2, white blood cells fight bacteria and viruses, and platelets clot together to stop bleeding.
<u>Bile</u> is a fluid that is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, so it's not a main component of blood.
Mass is defined as the amount of matter in a substance. It is usually measured by balances such as the beam balance and scales. It is measured in grams or kilograms depending on the size of the body.
The process of Rock formation involves how a rock is formed which is usually by sedimentation or cooling of magma in volcanic eruptions. In rock formation study,the geologist measures the mass of the rock which enables knowledge of the amount of matter in the rock. This is be used to determine the weight of the rock and the rock type and properties.