This, though a broad statement, is true as far as I can tell.
19.3g/cm^3 . With formula p=m/v
1) Inti menghilang.
2) Kromatid menuju bidang ekuator.
Selama fase pertama mitosis i. e. profase di mana replikasi menjadi kromatid terjadi dan berubah menjadi kromosom sementara nukleolus menghilang dan terjadi pemecahan selubung inti. Setelah profase, metafase dimulai di mana kromosom menjadi terlihat di sitoplasma sel dan bergerak menuju tengah atau ekuator sel.
Osmosis is the scientific process of transferring fluid between molecules. When molecules move in and out of a cell to achieve the same concentration of something, like salt, on both sides, then osmosis is happening. ... The fluid might go back and forth a few times until both solutions are equally concentrated.