It is (mostly) based on pyrethrine spray which kills the
insects rapidly.
It not poisonous to other animals.
It uses synthetic, natural spray which is safe to use because
it breaks down within 10 minutes.
Te technique can reach tall forests.
It can be used in closed spaces ( greenhouses, basements
It requires windless circumstances ( which is mostly at
Breathing fog may cause respiratory and throat irritation to
Vacuoles are essentially sacs surrounded by a membrane. They are used by cells as temporary storage sites. They often store food, enzymes, and other materials needed by the cell, and some vacuoles store waste products.
Manzanilla, hinojo, menta puperita, melisa, regaliz, jengibre
your answer is B. because An animal must do three things to control body temperature. First, the animal must find a source of heat. Second, it must find a way to conserve heat when temperatures in the environment are too cold. Third, it must find a way to get rid of extra heat when temperatures in the environment are too hot.