Task System, Wage labour, Sharecropping.
Task system was used in the coastal areas of the US, Caribbean in rice and sugar plantations. While Sharecropping was used in North Carolina and Virginia. Share croppers were free people who tilled the land in return they had to pay the rent to the land owners. The sharecroppers were white and black farmers who lacked the money for purchasing land, livestock and seed after the civil war.
Wage labour was used in Louisiana's sugar plantations. It was a socioeconomic relationship between an employer and worker where the labourers sold their labour under an employment contract.
Task system was the system of labour under slavery found in the Americas. It was considered to be less brutal than slave labour. Slaves working under this system often got the time for recreation and producing goods to earn for themselves. In this system the slaves were assigned specific tasks and they were free for the after finishing the task. It was mostly used in rice, coffee and sugarcane plantations as supervision is not needed while working on their plantations.
The correct answer should be A. President Polk wants to make Texas and California U.S territories.
( I'm assuming this is based off the movie of the little dark skinned girl who during segregation was put into school with white children)
Ruby was dark skinned at the time she was entering kindergarten and a very smart little girl. However Ruby Bridges was born during a time of segregation when whites and blacks were not allowed to do anything together ( school, eat, play ect.) So when Ruby was offered to school at William Frantz Elementary School it was a moment that would change history. At first all the parents took their kids out of school and their were protests held in front of the school while the girl walked in. Over time, kids slowly started coming back to school gradually leading to the start of the end of segregation.
The division of Korea into two nations after WW II