Ridge and valley Provinces
This particular region is a major producer for Rocks such as sandstone, shale, and coal coal-bearing beds in United States.
The geographical structure of the region in Ridge and valley Provinces were very difficult to reach (even using modern means of transportation). This terrain make it impossible for the company to hire the people from outside the area and let them commute to the workplace everyday.
This is why companies who want to utilize the resources that exist in this territory have to build a mining town there and make the workers live there during the operation.
These laws were a cause of the bus boycott because the poor treatment, segregation and violence from them were the motivation for Rosa Parks to not move from her seat on 1st December 1955 and the motivation for the black population to boycott the buses in support of her.
The answer is ADHD (Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder).
ADHD is characterised by three symptoms.
- Inattention: the person can't stay focused on a task, and might not pay attention when spoken to directly.
- Impulsivity: they feel a sudden urge to take action, without thinking too much about the long term consequences.
- Hyperactivity: they engage in constant movement such as fidgeting, tapping and making repetitive noises.
It differs from ADD (Attention deficit disorder) because ADHD involves impulsive and restless behaviour.
Answer: Haptic
Haptic sense is basically related to the science of touch sensing and also control the interaction with the various computer applications. The word haptic comes from the Greek word " Haptein" which means to fasten.
In the digital technology, the haptic sense is basically related to the tactile sensation and it is the method of interaction with the various electronic and the computer devices such as smartphones. It is also known as haptic technology.
Answer: CPT is best done before meals or one-and-a-half to two hours after eating.. This will most likely decrease the chance of vomiting.