This is an example of conservation.
Conservation is one of Jean Piaget's developmental accomplishments, in which a child understands that changing the form of a substance or object does not change its amount, volume, or mass. This is typically accomplished between the operational stage of development around ages 7 to 11. Therefore, it is typical for 4-year-olds to not be able to comprehend the concept of conservation.
Running away from home should be the answer
Scott is high in destiny beliefs because he believes in thinks like destiny in where he thought that the person he is with is his true love that they will likely end up together. Destiny beliefs also focuses in things that has a connection with love and relationships in which Scott shows as he says the quoted sentence above.
An aging population will need a pension when they stop working and medical treatments which can be costly.
D. It is easier to obtain information from a large number of people.
Questionnaire is only a set of questions that researchers could give the people in order to obtain a certain qualitative or quantitative data. Typically, the researchers use closed ended questions that can easily be answered by the people.
<u>Example of questions in questionnaires:</u>
- Do you enjoy using X product ? Yes/No
- Are you employed ? Yes/No
Surveys on the other hand utilize questions that specifically designed for further analyzation using specific set of criteria. Typically, researchers use open ended questions that make the answer of the questions be a little bit more complicated
<u>Example of questions in surveys:</u>
- What was your first thought when you first using the product?
- Why do you think it is difficult for you to obtain a job?