The older person may feel more secure.
I hope this helps!
New born babies can’t necessarily speak but their way of speaking is usually crying or making any type of noise to get ahold of your attention
<span>The three signs which are used to evaluate the effectiveness of your actions and the need to continue one or both of these measures are the respirations of the newborn baby, the heart rate of him, and lastly, the assessment of the oxygenation of the newborn.</span>
Not sure if this is a tad late or not... But I'd be concerned for consistent right sided stomach tenderness or rebound. If it started recently, you could potentially have appendicitis or a burst appendix. You could also have some bowel issues affecting the right side or some sort of gallbladder issues like cholecystitis (however pain can be felt in the right shoulder at the same time).
In other words, I recommend going to the emergency room... Appendicitis is a very serious and potentially dangerous concern.