The delegates to the Constitutional Convention had in common the desire and belief in strengthening the newly formed United States by amending or re-writing the nations constitution which was the "Articles of Confederation."
2,211 soldiers are buried at the tomb of the unknown soldier.
I did that before.
The Great Depression caused economic problems which helped Benito Mussolini take control of Italy and Adolf Hitler become the ruler of Germany. These totalitarian dictators promised that a political system could fix their nations’ economies and enable them to build great empires.
Both of these politicians and later dictators used the economic problems that both Italy and Germany had and used them to their advantage.
It is commonly noted that the Great Depression led to a rise in Fascism. Fascism was made popular by Mussolini in Italy, around 1922. and gained attention in Italy after 1929 because it was one of the only governments that survived the economic collapse.
The Great Depression was a contributing factor to dire economic conditions in Weimar Germany which led in part to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.