It was due to the fact that many children would die or get seriously injured working in harsh environments.
When the Monroe Doctrine was written, the US had just formed and was not ready to fight the European powers. Monroe basically asked Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere because they were afraid of getting attacked.
The creator, James Monroe, was interested in keeping the United States out of a war it was not prepared for. Though it was out of fear, there was some thinking through; people voted on it, after all.
Note that by "afraid of getting attacked," I not only mean getting attacked through soldiers and cannons but also by taking over nearby areas and competing with the US for natural resources.
Trade with Asia was so important to European nations because Asia had highly prized goods that Europe didn't have. These products, mainly, were spices (from the Middle East) and fabrics, especially silk (from China).Aug 29, 2016
Answer: Examples include rooftop solar panels, solar water heating, small-scale wind generation, fuel cells powered by natural gas or renewable hydrogen, and geothermal energy. These all contribute to lowering greenhouse gas emissions.