12.5% of 64 is 8. This is equivalent to 1/8 of 64 as well
No personally animals should not be held in captivity, although yes some animals are safer while being held in captivity some zoos, particularly roadside attractions are extremely mismanaged and horrible for animal care. Animals suffer from neglect, small cages, etc. Animals love being in their natural habitat but many animals kept in zoos are forced to become domestic pets. Along with that up to 5000 animals are killed a year in zoos(Only in Europe).
Vibrato comes from theItalian word vibrare, which means to vibrate.
There must always be people willing to bear the risk of new business undertakings in addition to simple risk bearing, however it is necessary to have people who will control and co-ordinate the various factor of production such people could device the nature, the quantity, the quality and the distribution of new products as well as becoming the risk of success of failure.