Fiscal policy refers to the use of the government budget to affect the economy. ... Generally, expansionary policy leads to higher budget deficits, and contractionary policy reduces deficits. An expansionary fiscal policy leads to higher budget deficits while a contractionary policy reduces deficits
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If you did some reaseach the answer would be c.
c. The foods with antioxidants are: all berries are great (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc.), green leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, dark chocolate, nuts, kidney beans and all beans, all herbs and foods mother nature provides us.
would be smaller
During his work, Darwin observed that the size and shape of finches' beaks varied between islands as a consequence of the food type and food availability in each island. Darwin proposed that this phenotypic variation was a response to natural selection, i.e., those organisms with more suitable beaks in their corresponding environments (i.e., islands) would be better adapted to survive and reproduce, thereby passing their genes to the next generations. In consequence, in this case, it is expected that the average size of finch beaks will be smaller because environmental factors prevent the growth of large seeds.
Species is the most specific and basic taxonomic level of classification and also the basic unit of biodiversity. Species is defined as group of highly closely related organisms that mate or breed to produce fertile offspring. After species genus is specific, and mostly organisms names are identified by species names and genus names as in binomial nomenclature, all scientific names are derived from genus and species e.g. the scientific name of frog is <em>Rana tigrina, </em>here '<em>Rana</em>' is genus name that is always capitalized and '<em>tigrena</em>' is species name that starts with small letter but both are always written in italics or underlined.