Ruling out rival hypotheses, Findings consistent with several hypotheses
require additional research to eliminate these hypotheses. More five principles
of critical thinking are: (1.) Correlation vs. Causation, the fact that two
things are associated with each other doesn’t mean that one causes the other.
(2.) Replicability, a finding must be capable of being duplicated by
independent researchers following the same recipe. (3.) Occam’s Razor,
if two hypotheses explain a phenomenon equally well, we should generally select
the simpler one. (4.) Falsifiability, claims
must be capable of being disproved. (5.) Extraordinary Claims, the more a
claim contradicts what we already know, the more persuasive the evidence must
be before we should accept it.
In scientific terms, a car is an energy converter: a machine that releases the energy locked in a fuel like gasoline (petrol) or diesel and turns it into mechanical energy in moving wheels and gears.
The Hawthorne effect
The Hawthorne effect was an experimental effect that was developed by researcher Henry A. Landsberger in the 1950s. According to this effect, the working efficiency of workers was analyzed. Certain aspects of the working environment were looked such as lighting, break timings, working hours, etc.
<u>The productivity level of a company or industry increases when the supervisors gave attention to the workers and it decreases with their lack of attention</u>.
<u>In the given case, the explanation of the scenario will be related to the Hawthorne Effect</u>.
<u>So, the correct answer is the </u><u>Hawthorne effect</u>.
The president has the power to either reject or approve bills passed by Congress. Before a bill becomes a law, the president has 10 days to either approve it by signing it into law, or reject it through a veto. Typically, when vetoing a bill the president returns it to Congress with an accompanying message explaining why it …
To quantify the extent of atherosclerosis, each pathologist looked at every autopsy specimen and assigned a score. To keep the pathologists from knowing the source of the tissues beforehand, the study was <u>blind</u> to the pathologists.
Atherosclerosis is a disease resulting from the build up of fats around the arteries which could cause blood flow restriction or even bursting of the artery resulting in hemorrhage. It is more common in obesed individuals.
The advantage of blinding the pathologist from knowing the source of the tissues is to increase objectivity in their analysis and remove any form of biased judgement based on the source of the tissue. For example, if the pathologist is aware that the source of the tissue is from an extremely obese man, he/she may likely give it a higher score.