This is best explained through the process called classical conditioning.
Classical conditioning is a learning process that involves an association between a stimulus and a response. In the example given in the question, the stimulus is the bottle, which was an indication that she would soon be fed, and it was paired with the excitement that she felt when eating (unconditioned response). Therefore, after the association is been made, the conditioned stimulus (the bottle), produces the now conditioned response (the excitment).
State of the Union
Annual Message
The State of the Union Address is an annual message delivered by the president of the United States to a joint session of the United States Congress near the beginning of each calendar year on the current condition of the nation. The State of the Union Address generally includes reports on the nation's budget, economy, news, agenda, achievements, and the president's priorities and legislative proposals.
2. Republican President= B. Dwight D. Eisenhower
3. a person who currently holds an office= F. incumbent
4. Democratic President= A. Jimmy Carter
6. to yield or surrender; admit or acknowledge= E. concede
1. formed by Theodore Roosevelt in 1912= C.Bull Moose Party
5. formed by Ross Perot in 1992= D. United We Stand Party
Answer: Air Quality Index
An air quality index can be define as the index which is introduced by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency. It gives idea about how clean or polluted the air is. It helps in forecasting of the air pollution. The elevation in the levels of the AQIs indicates that public is at high risk of respiratory diseases associated with the air pollution.