It contains enzymes that can break down intracellular waste to a certain degree it is responsible for some metabolic process like ATP production via glycolysis finally it aids the cytoskeleton/microfilaments in give the cell and its organelles stability/support.
it's ground water because it just is just put groundwater
The child is administered to use Intravenous immunoglobulin and Pneumocystis caranii pneumonia or PCP prophylaxis. These are used to improve humoral immunity in the child until the time when the transplant is performed.
The child is not recommended to use influenza vaccine in immunodeficiency disease reason being the possibility of acquiring influenza which is severe.
Again the child is not recommended to use varicella vaccine because it can lead to a risk of acquiring chicken pox.
For a child with PCP, we use Dapsone.
Skeletal muscle decomposes more slowly than internal organs and nerve tissue after death, but still more quickly than cartilage and bone.
Together, these factors make muscle tissue a good candidate for postmortem change study and well-suited for standard forensic lab examination.